What is the Aquarian Transfiguration Day?

The Aquarian Transfiguration Day is a global meditation linkup and consciousness-raising event to empower the Aquarian Awakening and transfiguration of consciousness. The Aquarian Awakening refers to the collective spiritual awakening of humanity which will be catalysed by the powerful Uranus-Neptune sextile occurring for the duration of this decade, along with Pluto’s current transit through Aquarius and some other important astrological events.

What is the Transfiguration of Consciousness?

The transfiguration of consciousness occurs when the divine self manifests through the personality self, transforming it so that it becomes one with the divine self and a vehicle for it. This is the breakthrough of consciousness that results from dedicated spiritual growth. The expression of divine values on Earth will naturally follow from this.

When is the Aquarian Transfiguration Day?

The Aquarian Transfiguration Day will be held on different dates each year, according to the most auspicious astrological timing. The next Aquarian Transfiguration Day will be in August 2025. Full details will be announced on this page soon. 

How Do I Participate in the Aquarian Transfiguration Day?

Please mark this day in your own consciousness-raising way and join us in a global meditation linkup in person or distantly from your own location (preferably in a group at a sacred site or place of power). We will connect in meditation with a sacred intent and elevated consciousness as we contemplate the resolution of the astrological themes and bring in the light for the world.

How Do I Contemplate the Resolution of the Astrological Themes?

In your meditation, hold the intention and vision for humanity to evolve by moving beyond limited ego patterning and choosing enlightened spiritual values and actions and embodying the highest expression of the astrological themes described in the astrology reading for the Aquarian Transfiguration Day. As you hold this intention and vision, send it out to humanity to receive with the divine light to guide them.

How Do I Bring in the Light for the World?

Connect in meditation to your spiritual light, intending that your vibrations and state of consciousness be lifted, and call upon the light of the divine source to be one with you. Now send out the light of the divine source to the world and intend it awakens, heals, and uplifts the world on all multidimensional levels of reality. Feel the response and sense a transfiguration of consciousness.

What About the Negativity in the World?

In meditation, we can provide humanity with a greater opportunity for positive change by helping to transmute the sea of negative thought-forms and energies that they are immersed in and seeding more positive, inspirational ones. Also, by holding a steady vision of global spiritual awakening, we can make it easier for humanity to see that vision for themselves. In your meditations, you can send light into the heart of the negative thought-forms that have been produced and fed collectively by humanity throughout the centuries, and sense them being acknowledged, learned from, and transmuted in the light. Focus particularly on dissolving the illusions of separation and powerlessness. Guide humanity out of separation and into unity consciousness, holding the awareness for the ego to be transformed into a light-filled vehicle for the spiritual self. Sense humanity’s illusory belief in disempowerment being transformed into a recognition and remembrance of its own infinite power as it awakens spiritually and embodies its divinity.

Can I Register as a Local Contact for the Aquarian Transfiguration Day?

Absolutely! You can register yourself here as a contact for your local area. This doesn’t require taking on any organisational responsibility unless you wish.

Tell Me More About the Aquarian Awakening

The term ‘Aquarian Awakening’ represents the collective spiritual awakening associated with the activations of Aquarius and its ruler, Uranus. We are currently in a new phase of Aquarian activations that is centred on the Uranus-Neptune Sextile and Pluto’s transit through Aquarius. The key time to work with these activations is from 2024 to 2030. For more in depth information about the Aquarian Awakening, read my article The Aquarian Awakening.

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