The Aquarian Awakening

The term ‘Aquarian Awakening’ represents the collective spiritual awakening associated with the activations of Aquarius and its ruler, Uranus. It is also a reference to the precession of the equinoxes through the zodiac into Aquarius. The precession of the equinoxes is a 26,000-year cycle of the northern spring equinox-point backwards through the twelve constellations of […]

Your True Self

Your true self is your true nature and identity found at the deepest core of your being. Unlike your personality self or ego, your true self is not your conditioned personality self formed from childhood that you most commonly identify with because of its link with your physical body. Your true self is certainly not

Integrating Your Light Body

Integrating your light body is a key stage of your journey of spiritual evolution, and helps you to move into greater healing, empowerment, and wisdom through your greater spiritual embodiment. Your light body is your core spiritual self. You can think of it as a higher dimensional subtle energy body, a higher order of personal

Building Spiritual Community

Spiritual community is essential for fully actualising our true selves. It empowers us to awaken spiritually and to form natural, heart-centred spiritual connections with others. With the mutual support of a spiritual community, we can more easily awaken to, accept, and ground our spiritual selves into the physical world, helping to make it a better

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